My name is John, and my interest for stories told through all mediums, whether they be text, film, or music, is a core part of who I am, and the main reason I'm writing this blog (alongside class requirements..). I have a deep passion for interpreting media that I consume everyday, as well as dabbling into the creation of my own projects to improve my own abilities, both in communicating my own intent through my projects and deconstructing meaning in other media.
This new blog was made as a way to start anew, separate from my old media blog, which can be found here. Despite being decently proud of my work from last year, I find myself wanting to distance myself from it, embracing this new year as a chance to start a new blog with the insight and experience I gained last year, ideally resulting in a stronger blog from its very first post, rather than figuring it out as I went along (something painfully evident in my old blog).
With all this being said, I look forward to populating my new blog website with new posts and projects from this new year of study. Anticipate a post discussing my experience producing my own documentary very soon!
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